Responses to my posts

Sally Hines shines at
Sun Mar 21 11:08:35 PST 2004

Over some argument from one user of the list, I will paraphrase the advice
and information I got offline from other users. None of this information or
advice was technical.

More than one writer advised to not receive the -questions list to my email
box, but to maintain subscription and simply research the list at
d.questions or and specifically for my issue "Just as
/usr/src/UPDATING has definitive information on upgrading
  FreeBSD, there has recently been created a /usr/ports/UPDATING"

BTW, my issue is resolved. Not through any of the responses here, though
eventually they would have led to resolution, but through my son-in-law
FreeBSD guru. I finally got his attention.

Other good information I received by private email, that would have been
helpful to have seen on this list was:

"Please search the mailing list archives before posting.  If someone
 else recently received a relevant response, you can save time & hassle
 (on everyone's part) by doing this."

"Its not necessary to subscribe to any mailing list that you wish to read.
You can view the current week's lists." at the above noted urls

One writer said "I read almost all the lists online without piling up in my
mailbox.  Its much easier to be selective about what to read this way."
Which is very helpful information for me.

And in that direction, "You do not have to subscribe to the
freebsd-questions mailing list in order to post a question.  Most people
will CC: you on any response, but it wouldn't hurt to remind them that you
are not subscribed and would appreciate a CC." So I will do that.

So, when I mentioned my difficulty understanding the man pages, this
information was also informative and helpful. "That is an excellent start.
When you first start trying to learn new things, its often necessary to
build a foundation to work from. Once you have that foundation, then things
start to click and those manual pages start to make sense.  They're not
meant to be tutorials, but references."

And in reference to my mention of a specific error message a correspondent
replied, "That error message is important.  That is what people on the
-questions mailing list will need to see in order to offer any assistance.
I will point out that there is a new document been added that may be of


This document contains issues that may affect you during port updating.
Give that a read and see if that may help with your problem."

And I found this very encouraging in letting me know that the -questions
list may be less daunting. "If not, then review and send your question to the list.  If
you don't understand the responses, just ask for more clarification.  This
also helps add more to the archives which help others in the future."

And another very good tip was "Get a mail reader that can sort by threads :)
I see that you're using outlook - It may or may not.  Any MUA worth it's
salt will sort by thread, and that is the _only_ way to manage

I thank all those that did reply to me directly. The help was wonderful, in
that it helps me to feel less overwhelmed by the OS and the information
management system.

Now, if the owner/operator of this list has a problem with the message I am
posting, please tell me specifically what the problem is. None of the
information was technical in nature, and none of the replies I got was any
more technical than what I quoted here.

I fear that some of the "can't post that here" flames have kept good
information like this from getting posted to the list, where it will be
helpful to real newbies, trying to use the information system available.

Sally Hines
A Granny Newbie

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-freebsd-newbies at
[mailto:owner-freebsd-newbies at] On Behalf Of Sally Hines
Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2004 1:19 PM
To: freebsd-newbies at
Subject: Responses to my posts

I have received some replies to my post responding to the FreeBSD-newbies
group is a compromise community thread. I want to thank everyone that has
responded. The posts have been very helpful and informative. 

Had these posts appeared on the list in the past I probably would not have
the issues I have now with FreeBSD and getting my own help. Unfortunately,
the discouragement from answering questions on the list have really
compromised the stated purpose of the list, to encourage the newbie in using
the resources available to get useful results. 

I would like to either request permission from the folks that have posted to
me, to send their replies back to the list, or to ask the posters to send
the replies directly to the list.

Patient, helpful advice on how to use the resources available is invaluable,
and necessary for this list to function, I believe. I've been on this list
for a year now, and have never seen this type of post to the open list. I
wish I had, as I'd be very much farther in my exploration of and learning
the FreeBSD system.

Pardon my long run-on sentences. But I do appreciate the help I've gotten
today, and I'd really like to see this list provide that help to all the
newbies that subscribe.

Sally Hines
Little Old Granny newbie

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