installing freebsd prob...

Johnson David DavidJohnson at
Fri Mar 5 10:20:42 PST 2004

On Friday 05 March 2004 01:56 am, Eric Draven wrote:
> hi list,
> i'm trying to install freebsd 5.2 on my pc at home. the hard disk
> dual boots with mandrake 9.1 and win xp. i wanted to install on the
> partitions used by linux, however, in the partitioning portion of the
> installation, the installer only read the fat partitions and not the
> linux (ext3) partitions. i wonder why the installer can't view the
> linux partitions; is there a solution to this? (without using
> partitionmagic, etc...)

What do you mean "can't view the linux partitions"? Does this mean you 
are unable to see these in the partition screen of sysinstall, so that 
you cannot convert them over to FreeBSD? That's what this sounds like 
to me.

You should really ask this on the -questions list, after providing a 
heck of a lot more information. But I will make a wild guess: your 
linux partition are on extended/logical partitions. If so, be aware 
that FreeBSD only uses primary partitions. The subpartitioning of 
primary partitions does not use the DOS schema of extended/logical 


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