installing freebsd prob...

Nikolas Britton freebsd at
Fri Mar 5 07:56:51 PST 2004

Eric Draven wrote:

>hi list,
>i'm trying to install freebsd 5.2 on my pc at home. the hard disk dual boots with mandrake 9.1 and win xp. i wanted to install on the partitions used by linux, however, in the partitioning portion of the installation, the installer only read the fat partitions and not the linux (ext3) partitions. i wonder why the installer can't view the linux partitions; is there a solution to this? (without using partitionmagic, etc...)
>btw, i'm installing from cd.
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first of all 5.2 has some isses, thats why 5.2.1 was released
2nd. unless you uses freebsd as a desktop os (X, spiffy apps, etc) or 
dont have a net connection you can get by by only downloading the mini 
iso disk (250MB) this disk has FreeBSD, Ports src tree, Man pages, and 
all of the FreeBSD source code on, and perl 5.6. from there you can 
download from the ports tree the software you need.

Ok about your question what was it oh ext3...don't know if FreeBSD 
supports ext3 (at boot time), isnt ext3 journaling file system?, this is 
most liky your problem. FreeBSD et al. have there own file system called 
Fast File System (FFS, aka Unix File System UFS)  and FreeBSD 5.x uses 
UFS 2. if you use anything other then UFS your probly asking for trubble.

just did a quick search(1) and it says that ext3 is backwards compatible 
with ext2 so you should be looking for info on Ext2 and FreeBSD, witch 
another quick search brings this up:

The Linux+FreeBSD mini-HOWTO:
MOUNT_EXT2FS(8)     FreeBSD System Manager's Manual


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