freebsd-newbies Digest...

Joshua Lewis jmlewis at
Tue Jun 8 04:35:18 GMT 2004

I can't explain it but when I ran the mount command from with in the KDE 
console app it worked. Now the problem is the folder that I made on that 
drive is there however the files in it are not.

Any tips as to what I apperently did wrong?

Are there no hard drive diags I can run on this drive?

On Monday 07 June 2004 04:18 pm, alexxisr at wrote:
> You should mount exactly that slice where you
> have created FS. If you use 'dangerous' method
> when whole drive is used then you (may be) can
> mount /dev/ad1
> For some help type
> ls /dev | grep "ad1"
> and you will get list of slices.
> And if it contains 'ad1s?' then
> 'mount /dev/ad1 ...' fails.
>                              Alexis Rossokhin
>                              alexxisr at

Thank you,

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