Burning CDRs and making devices

Pat Martin wpmartin at gmail.com
Thu Jul 29 21:36:54 PDT 2004


I am fairly new to FreeBSD but I do have a fair amount of linux
experience. I am trying to get everything working in a freebsd system
I just installed. I have recompiled the kernel with the necessary
items to be able to burn cds without a problem. But now when I go into
a cd ripper (grip or soundjuicer) it does not find the disc. I had
installed FreeBSD before and after recompiling the kernel and
rebooting I had to do something in /dev I believe it had to do with
using MAKEDEV command. I remember being able to burn and rip then. I
have looked all over where I found that on the web and I cannot find
it again. It does not seem to be in the handbook as that only shows
what to include with the kernel to get burning going.

Please Help,

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