Joshua Tinnin krinklyfig at
Sat Jul 17 17:59:12 PDT 2004

On Saturday 17 July 2004 05:55 pm, Ron Ganzer <ganzman at> 
> hi,
> 1. i totaly agree with joshua!!!
> i used 5 linux distro's and the 3 unix's (just to broaden my distro span)
> and i fell in love with the daemon!!!!!! freebsd is no linux but compat is
> quite nice
> i would recommend you be smarter then i am and run stable (4.9) rather then
> latest (5.2)

Isn't 4.10 the new STABLE?

> 4.9 will give you much more stability and a heck of a learning 
> platform , while 5.2 is abit faster and with more hardware support but it
> still has issues and you wouldnt wanna get caught up in those.

Yeah, that's true. But I use 5.2.1-RELEASE (because of hardware), and there 
haven't been many issues. The only real issues I've had have been trying to 
get XFree86 to recognize my video card, but that's been solved with my 
migration to - FreeBSD is adopting as their default X server 
soon, so this keeps me a bit ahead of the curve. However, I don't ride on the 
bleeding edge with CURRENT, at least not yet. I'd like to learn more 
language-agnostic programming and work on development for FreeBSD, but I'm 
not quite up to par at this point ...

> 2. if xfree goes out? ok.....unix(&linux) run a clean kernel to which any
> new standard will have to comply , so - no wories there!! besides - there
> was once an os called ........HMM........microsomething and people manage
> without it aswell :)

It looks like XFree is already on the way out, but FreeBSD has in ports, 
so it's not that hard to upgrade even now. Just requires adjusting the 
dependencies through portupgrade (which, btw, is a very nice tool - FreeBSD 
is truly a full-fledged OS, as opposed to Linux, which is a kernel with 
whatever you want to throw on top of it).

> 3. as for job ......... freeBSD is a VERY popular server platform indeed ,
> HOWEVER getting a job would depend on the country your in! im in israel and
> (jobwise) freeBSD is hard to come by!(hence my being unemployed at the
> moment :( 

Hey, join the club! ;) Not much work for web developers anymore, but I'm 
really more interested in network admin, but that's also why I'm using three 
different OSes at home right now.

> ) but there are numerous countries throughout the world in 
> which it is HOT stuff (europe mainly - i think)

Yeah, that's true, IIRC especially in Germany.

> BTW are there any other israelis here? id like to build up a freeBSD
> community here!

I'm in the US, in California, but I know some people in the Israeli music 
scene who are also techies, and from what I understand you could probably 
find lots of people for such a community. Not sure if they'd be on this list, 
but it's a good place to ask ...

- jt

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