Drivers floppy for FreeBSD 4.10 - Need xl(4) driver to do FTP install...from floppies

Dominic Caffey dcaffey_fl at
Mon Jul 12 09:59:22 PDT 2004

Dear FreeBSD Newbies,

     I am trying to install FreeBSD 4.10 via FTP.
 I downloaded the fixit, kern & mfsroot floppies
and feed them to the machine as they're
requested.  Problem is that when I get to the
kernel modules configuration, there is no driver
for my network card, 3Com3c905 PCI.  I checked
the hardware notes at
and the card I'm trying to use is definitely
supported but I see no way to make it available
to the installation process and I couldn't find a
drivers floppy for the 4.10 release.  How do I
make the "xl(4)" driver available to the install
process?  A little guidance or referral to a faq
would be greatly appreciated.



| Dominic Caffey
| Email:  dcaffey_fl at

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