Portupgrade and a lot of packages not being build or not compiling
jammet at swbell.net
Wed Jan 28 19:41:53 PST 2004
I am a 4 day old fbsd user, i used linux for about 8 years before that,
but im trying to figure out how to make portupgrade compile everything
and fix the depenincy problems i seem to be running in too. I generally
work best with a step by step idea of help, if you tell me to go to a
man file that wont help because i have read the portupgrade manual, i
have read the handbook 7 times all the way through. So please any help
with this would be greatly appreciated.
---> Skipping 'mail/evolution' (evolution-1.4.4_1) because
'devel/libIDL'(libIDL-0.8.2) failed
** The following packages were not installed or upgraded (*:skipped /
! ftp/lftp (lftp-2.6.6_1) (unknown build error)
! ftp/wget (wget-1.8.2_4) (unknown build error)
! devel/libIDL (libIDL-0.8.2) (unknown build error)
* devel/ORBit2 (ORBit2-2.8.1)
* devel/libbonobo (libbonobo-2.4.0)
! textproc/scrollkeeper (scrollkeeper-0.3.12_2,1) (unknown
build error)
! misc/gnomemimedata (gnomemimedata-2.4.0) (unknown build
! print/gimp-print (gimp-print-4.2.5_1) (unknown build error)
* graphics/gimp1 (gimp-1.2.5,1)
! x11/kdelibs3 (kdelibs-3.1.4) (unknown build error)
* multimedia/kdemultimedia3 (kdemultimedia-3.1.4)
* sysutils/kdeadmin3 (kdeadmin-3.1.4)
* editors/koffice-kde3 (koffice-1.2.1_1,1)
* x11-clocks/kdetoys3 (kdetoys-3.1.4)
* graphics/kdegraphics3 (kdegraphics-3.1.4)
* devel/gconf2 (gconf2-
* misc/kdeutils3 (kdeutils-3.1.4)
* x11/kdebase3 (kdebase-3.1.4)
* games/kdegames3 (kdegames-3.1.4)
* misc/kdeaddons3 (kdeaddons-3.1.4)
* x11-wm/kdeartwork3 (kdeartwork-3.1.4)
* devel/gnomevfs2 (gnomevfs2-2.4.0)
* x11/libgnome (libgnome-2.4.0)
* deskutils/kdepim3 (kdepim-3.1.4)
* net/kdenetwork3 (kdenetwork-3.1.4)
* www/quanta (quanta-3.1.4,2)
* x11-toolkits/libbonoboui (libbonoboui-2.4.0)
* x11/kde3 (kde-3.1.4)
* print/libgnomeprint (libgnomeprint-2.3.1)
* x11-toolkits/libgnomeui (libgnomeui-
* x11/gnomedesktop (gnomedesktop-2.4.0)
* textproc/gnomespell (gnomespell-1.0.5)
* x11/gnomepanel (gnomepanel-2.4.0_1)
* palm/gnomepilot2 (gnomepilot2-2.0.10)
* x11-toolkits/libgnomeprintui (libgnomeprintui-2.3.1)
* x11-toolkits/gal2 (gal2-1.99.9)
* www/gtkhtml3 (gtkhtml3-3.0.8)
* mail/evolution (evolution-1.4.4_1)
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