download of all ports

Mike Maltese mike at
Sun Feb 29 21:11:29 PST 2004

Tadimeti Keshav wrote:

>the cd contains only the ports skeletons. 
>What I want is the complete sources for all
>CVSup, I believe, will only make the source sets
That's correct, but you said the *ports tree*, not the source for every 
port in the tree. My question is, why would you want the source for the 
10,000+ ports? Are you really planning on installing anywhere close to 
that many? Heck, between my workstation and my server I probably only 
have around 300 unique ports installed. I'd also think it would take 
*several* CD's to hold the entire tree's sources.

> --- Mike Maltese <mike at> wrote: > Tadimeti
>Keshav wrote:
>>>Hi all
>>>I use a dial-up connection to connect to the
>>>Thus it is painful to install via ports. Has anyone
>>>down loaded the entire PORTS tree and would like to
>>>distribute it via CD-ROM? I use FreeBSD 5.1. I am

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