newbie firewall

Randy Pratt rpratt1950 at
Tue Feb 24 23:20:08 PST 2004

On Tue, 24 Feb 2004 22:05:32 -0600 you wrote:
> To whom it may concern,
> freebsd 4.8 on dialup connection
> after I activated the firewall in I think etc/rc.conf
> I cannot dial out . worked fine before the firewall was turned on.
> What is the most likely solution?  thank you for any help

We're not supposed to answer technical questions on this list. Its
is a gathering place for people new to FreeBSD and sharing
experiencies with others. Check out the FAQ at:

That being said, I'd like to mention that there is a document on
"Dialup firewalling with FreeBSD" and can be found on your local


or online at:

If you have not found it already, you might get some good information
from the Handbook:

If you still have questions or problems, please post it to
freebsd-questions at with as much information as you
think relates to the issue.  You'll be asked for more if its
not sufficient.  This is the best place to ask a question and
you'll get the best answers there.

I hope the above links are helpful!

Best regards,



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