[Fwd: Re: posting messages to freebsd-newbies new group]

Nikolas Britton freebsd at nbritton.org
Mon Feb 23 15:29:10 PST 2004

David Clarke wrote:

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> Re: posting messages to freebsd-newbies new group
> From:
> Ceri Davies <ceri at FreeBSD.org>
> Date:
> Mon, 23 Feb 2004 21:29:16 +0000
> To:
> David Clarke <david.clarke at theomorphic-technology.co.uk>
>On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 07:35:38PM -0000, David Clarke wrote:
>>I have been trying for days to configure Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5 and now
>>Outlook Express as my new reader, I am able to read postings, but I cannot
>>post any messages.

freebsd-newbies is not a news group (it may be redist on the newsgroups, 
dont know) it is a mailling list, it uses plain old email.
go here to subscribe to the list: 
go here too: http://www.freebsd.org/support.html#mailing-list

>>When I attempt to post a message I get the following error:
>>Outlook Express could not post your message.  Subject 'Verifying FreeBSD ISO
>>images', Account: 'news.gw.com', Server: 'news.gw.com', Protocol: NNTP,
>>Server Response: '440 Sorry, you're not allowed to post.', Port: 119,
>>Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 440, Error Number: 0x800CCCA9
>>I have officially requested joining the new group and confirmed my request,
>>they sent me back a password, but even though I have used my email address
>>with my password, nothing has changed, it still gives me the same error.
>>Can you please tell me what else I need to do to be able to post messages to
>>this news groups and others.
>Hmm.  We don't really have control over the newsgroup, as these are
>essentially copies of the freebsd-newbies mailing list.  I'd recommend
>emailing your message to newbies at freebsd.org instead.  It should
>eventually turn up on the newsgroup.
>freebsd-newbies at freebsd.org mailing list
>To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-newbies-unsubscribe at freebsd.org"

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