slice and partition layouts

Johnson David DavidJohnson at
Mon Feb 23 10:30:11 PST 2004

On Saturday 21 February 2004 12:35 pm, Nikolas Britton wrote:

> Basicly I need to know where the heck I put the 25gigs of data thats
> on are old NT server on are new FreeBSD server, In windows I'd just
> partion a drive in two (Drives C: and D:) C: for for OS and Programs
> and D: for Data but in unix the layout is hierarchical and data is
> stored all over the place (/home, /usr, /var)?

It basically comes down to user preference and the type of data. For 
that much data though, served via NFS, I would probably mount the data 
under /export. This is only personal opinion, and I could very well be 
trashing some time honored UNIX tradition. So I would also suggest 
picking up "UNIX System Administration" from O'Reilly.

You can, of course, change the mount point in the future. You are not 
stuck with only one option.


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