Greetings and salutaions..

Mr_H Mr_H at
Sun Feb 22 15:46:15 PST 2004

Howdy everyone,

    I have finally decided to send a post.  It's been a few months since I have sucessfully installed FreeBSD 4.8 using the boot floppies and the ftp install method.  It took several attempts to do it correctly.  Since that wonderfull day, I have met many great people and, using a unix based IRC client has opened up a world of possibilities.  
    I too had no experience, except for MS products, and have had an apparently tough time getting acquainted with the 'CLI',  which is why I decided to write. 
    I see several people having the same issue(s) I once had.  All I can say to other newbies is to simply stick with it.  I spent approximately 2 horribly frustrating weeks trying to set up a gateway. Without the support of my IRC peers, and some much needed advice, I may have fallen by the way side and resorted back to M$.  
    I now have a home network, a personal webserver, and a new, clearer understanding of computers in general.  The best part of it all is that it was free!!  (minus the obligatory legwork) My understandings only continue to improve each day.
    Please consider my post a big 'Thank You' for the entire community that actively supports free software and a greater understanding of and for the world of computing.

FBSD r0X0rz jo0 s0x 0ff, Fo0!  heh heh

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