Martin Hudec corwin at aeternal.net
Tue Feb 17 23:53:56 PST 2004


you have to create file named .xinitrc in your user home directory, and put 
there line like:

exec startkde


On Tuesday 17 February 2004 23:50, Teilhard Knight wrote:
> I write to this list because somehow I feel my problem is very simple.
> When I write the command "startx" as a root, I enter KDE all right. But if
> I do it as user, I enter a simple three or four pane graphical mode.
> Is there any way to fix this? That is, to enter KDE as user?

:. kind regards
:..                      Martin Hudec
:.: =w= http://www.aeternal.net
:.: =m= +421.907.303393
:.: =@= corwin at aeternal.net
:.: "When you want something, all the universe 
:.:   conspires in helping you to achieve it."
:.:                   - The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)

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