Rehashing of process

DerAlSem DerAlSem at
Thu Feb 12 01:04:55 PST 2004

Hello freebsd-newbies,

I've made some changes to my socks5.conf and want to reash config.
What i'm doing wrong?

su-2.05b# ps -aux |grep socks
root       468  0.0  0.8  1424  924  ??  Is    4:00PM   0:00.16 /usr/local/bin/socks5
root      3854  0.0  0.8  1488  940  ??  S    11:57AM   0:00.02 /usr/local/bin/socks5
root      3856  0.0  0.6  1408  712  p1  S+   11:58AM   0:00.03 grep socks
su-2.05b# killall hup 468
No matching processes were found
su-2.05b# killall hup 3854
No matching processes were found

Best regards,
 DerAlSem                          mailto:DerAlSem at

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