hello - security update.
clayton rollins
crollins666 at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 9 12:59:38 PST 2004
On Feb. 9, 2004 Richard Reyes <richard at voxsant.com> wrote:
>hello guys,
>i have just installed freebsd 5.2 from a floppy boot disk. now i saw some
>security announcement on the
>freebsd website and decided to rebuilt my kernel ( as was instructed on the
>updates ). anyway, does rebuilding the kernel captures all the necessary
>all i did was create a new kernel config file ( basically a copy of the
>GENERIC ). then execute...
>is this enough ?
Hi Richard,
I'm sure you probably know this, but your email was confusing on this
point: rebuilding the kernel does not "pull in" (patch/whatever)
anything. You must use cvs/cvsup (or equivalent), or apply the
appropriate patch(es).
Assuming you have done something like that, rebuilding the kernel
should fix the SysV shared memory bug, but not the mksnap_ffs bug
nor many of the cumulative fixes since release.
About those fixes, the advisories say:
NOTE WELL: Due to release engineering in progress at the time of this
writing, the RELENG_5_2 security branch (5.2-RELEASE-p1)
also includes numerous other critical bug fixes, most of
which are not security related. Please read src/UPDATING
for details on these changes.
mksnap_ffs can be rebuilt by following the advice in the advisory.
If I were you, I would rebuild the whole system just to be on the safe
side. See
for details regarding cvsup and rebuilding the system.
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