/usr/local/etc/rc.d doesn't run scripts

Gordon Vrololjak gvrdolja at nature.Berkeley.EDU
Fri Feb 6 13:19:46 PST 2004

I updated a system with freebsd using the makeworld process and after
doing the last mergemaster, I think I made some mistakes.

On startup, I had to add a default route to rc.conf to get networking to
work, but none of my services (apache2, mysql, etc) want to start up at
boot.  It is as if all of the files in /usr/local/etc/rc.d are not being
run at boot.

I tried adding a line to /etc/rc.conf -
But still, none of the services start.  If I login as root and run the
scripts by hand, they come up.  Anyone have a clue what is going on?

system is:
5.2-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.2-CURRENT #0: Thu Feb  5 16:22:24 PST 2004

Gordon Ante Vrdoljak                           	      Electron Microscope Lab
ICQ 23243541   http://nature.berkeley.edu/~gvrdolja   26 Giannini Hall
gvrdolja at nature.berkeley.edu                          UC Berkeley
phone (510) 642-2085                                  Berkeley CA 94720-3330
fax   (510) 643-6207 cell (510) 290-6793

On Fri, 6 Feb 2004, Nissan Dookeran wrote:

> I set up a SAMBA shared folder called "sandbox" on my FreeBSD test web
> server to which I want the web developers to be able to upload files for
> testing with the intranet webserver. The sandbox folder is a subfolder of
> the apache main folder so it can be accessed via
> <BLOCKED::http://machinename/sandbox> http://machinename/sandbox.
> Currently, space constraints on the testing box prevent me from copying our
> entire website's contents to a subfolder within this folder, but one of the
> web developer's has a copy of the website in a "Website" folder on his
> Windows XP workstation's shared folders. Is it possible to create a new
> folder that utilises samba to connect to this Windows user's shared
> "website" folder so that I can access the folder via something like
> "sandbox/website"?
> If so, how do I go about doing this?
> Is there a better approach to what I'm trying to do?
> -Nissan
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