FreeBSD and Solaris.. the differences?

Johnson David DavidJohnson at
Mon Feb 2 11:22:11 PST 2004

Mark Gladman wrote:

> Hey Peeps,
> I've got to start doing some Solaris stuff as a part of my classwork
> in a few weeks time, and was wondering if anyone knew of any good
> web-pages which show the differences (user-side) between Solaris and
> FreeBSD?

Don't know of any good webpages, but latest edition of the book "UNIX 
System Adminstration" would be very useful in this regards. It covers 
several UNIX systems, including Solaris and FreeBSD.

In a nutshell, Solaris is a classic SysV system, and FreeBSD is mostly 
classic BSD. Any discussion of the differences between SysV and BSD will 
be germane.


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