Time to shut down this list?

Chris Zumbrunn chris at zumbrunn.com
Tue Dec 28 03:20:14 PST 2004

On Dec 28, 2004, at 11:45 AM, David J. Weller-Fahy wrote:

> Please use this list for general problem solving, sharing ideas and
> moral support. Take specific technical issues to freebsd-questions.

The problem is that newbies tend to think that their technical issues 
are just "general problems" which they have because they are newbies. 
Newbies will still ask on freebsd-newbies because they think their 
problem doesn't qualify as a "specific technical issue". How about 
something like this:

Please use this list to share your thoughts and experiences with other
users new to FreeBSD. Send all your questions asking for support and
problem solving to freebsd-questions at freebsd.org and not to this list.


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