Time to shut down this list?

John Murphy sub01 at freeode.co.uk
Fri Dec 24 09:31:17 PST 2004

"Jay O'Brien" <jayobrien at att.net> wrote:
>You ask newbies to respond; "how to get better answers?". How about a search engine 
>that provides useful responses to newbie questions? I get much better and more 
>useful responses from google than I do at the http://www.freebsd.org/search/page.

I certainly agree.  The freebsd mailing list search rarely seems to provide
useful answers and, as the google mailing.freebsd search has disappeared, the
need to improve it is greater than before.  In the mean time a google search
of docs.freebsd.org (phrase to search site:docs.freebsd.org) helps.

>You didn't ask about -questions, but I'm going to answer anyway. The folks on 
>-questions are better, faster, friendlier and more accurate than any paid 
>support staff I've ever encountered. I'm pleased to be associated, if only in 
>a small way, with such a dedicated and committed team.

True.  And those who feel intimidated by the volume of posts can use it
quite effectively without subscribing.  Replies are ~always CC'd to the
OP and the current messages are browseable at:

As for whether the newbies list should be closed down, I don't see that
anything would be gained by doing so.  If the main fear is that newbie
answers are sometimes misleading/incorrect then this could be fixed by
convincing a few of the kind souls who man the questions list to also
subscribe to this one.  It is *very* low volume most of the time.
OTOH would anyone expect perfect answers on a newbie list?

Perhaps all messages addressed to newbies@ should automatically go to
questions at .  The subject field could be prepended with [newbies] and
the extra volume would hardly be noticed and would be similar to that
caused by closing this list.

We should consider changing the charter or the name instead of closure.
Would newbie-chat@ better indicate what the list is for?

Merry Christmas all, John.

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