kern/71142; VESA 1024x768;
(Poor Console resolution on Compaq 2103US)
Mervin McDougall
mcd_advisory at
Fri Dec 24 06:08:52 PST 2004
This patch works better than the previous one that I
had for sure ... As far as the errors with the mouse
is concerned there was a thread that mentioned the
problem and ways to fix it .
have a look at this website if you have got problems
with the mouse
Thanks again Nikolas
I sure hope these changes are made permanent in
FreeBSD 5.4 and that performance can be improved in
using the vesa console.
--- Nikolas Britton <freebsd at> wrote:
> Disclaimer!!!: please note that this patch was never
> meant for newbies
> and that if you decide to use it you are basically
> on your own if you
> have any problems with it. This patch is very much
> still in alpha
> status, but it does work and if It breaks your
> system you can always
> back it out.
> >1. do I copy the patch exactly as is from the
> webpage?
> >
> >
> no, forget the patches from the webpage it's all
> messed up and you have
> to run it though scripts and edit it and stuff etc
> etc....
> -----------------------------
> Step 0: su to root.
> Step 1: cd into /tmp
> Step 2: fetch the patch: "fetch
> Alternate Source (these patches are from Deng
> XueFeng BTW):
> Step 3: Extract the files from the archive: "tar
> -zxvf curr*gz"
> Step 4: cd into /usr/src/sys/dev/syscons
> Step 5: patch the files: "patch
> </tmp/current-vesa_patch/current-syscons.diff" (make
> sure this applies
> cleanly, no error messages!)
> Step 6: cd into /usr/src/usr.sbin/vidcontrol
> (usr.sbin is not a typo)
> Step 7: Copy the file current-vidcontrol.1 here:
> "cp
> /tmp/current-vesa_patch/current-vidcontrol.1
> ./vidcontrol.1"
> Step 8: Copy the file current-vidcontrol.c here:
> "cp
> /tmp/current-vesa_patch/current-vidcontrol.c
> ./vidcontrol.c"
> Step 9: while your in there rebuild vidcontrol:
> "make && make install &&
> make clean"
> Step 10: cd into /usr/src/sys/i386/conf
> (if you have never done this before then your kernel
> will be "GENERIC",
> if you have then you don't need me to explain what
> to do)
> Step 11: Add the kernel option for VESA support to
> your kernel: echo
> "options VESA" >> GENERIC
> Step 12: Add the kernel option for SC_PIXEL_MODE to
> your kernel: echo
> "options SC_PIXEL_MODE" >> GENERIC
> Step 13: config your kernel: config GENERIC
> Step 14: cd into ../compile/GENERIC
> Step 15: rebuild your kernel: "make depend && make
> && make install"
> Step 16: reboot
> (After FreeBSD reboots and loads you will see this
> message several times
> (ignore it) "vidcontrol: showing the mouse: Invalid
> argument")
> Step 17: login as root
> Step 18: Now change the video mode "vidcontrol
> MODE_279"
> (you should now have a console at 1024x768, if you
> don't you did
> something wrong.)
> Step 19: If everthing seems ok then add it to the
> /etc/rc.conf file:
> allscreens_flags="MODE_279"
> Step 20: reboot or do a "shutdown now"
> Step 21: login as a normal user, you're done, have
> fun :-), report any
> bugs your having to I think ether freebsd-current or
> freebsd-hackers
> mailing lists.
> you can also use "vidcontrol -i mode | grep G" to
> see a complete list of
> supported modes (this is a list of modes supported
> by your video card,
> not your monitor!) and if you want you can play with
> these other modes
> "vidcontrol MODE_modenumber"
> Also note that if you try to update your sources
> with cvsup it will
> overwrite the changes you made to the files so you
> will have to redo
> steps 0 though 8 again (this is how you can back out
> the changes if you
> have problems with it).
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