Main differences between RELEASE_X and RELEASE_X_Y branches

Lute Mullenix lute at
Sun Dec 5 06:46:39 PST 2004

On Sat, 04 Dec 2004 23:50:38 +0100
ptitoliv <ptitoliv at> insisted:

> Hi everybody,
> I am writing this mail in this mailing list because I would like to have
> more information about the main differences between a RELEASE branch 
> and the STABLE branch. More precisely, I would want to now what is the 
> interest to use a RELEASE in stead of STABLE branch.
> Thank you for your answers.
> Best Regards,
> Ptitoliv

Well to the best of my knowledge, while STABLE is "stable" it is still in
development, which means there could be occasional glitches that need
ironed out. RELEASE is the branch that is the most tried and true.
Occasional security and bug updates but ready for public consumption.

I personally stick with RELEASE as it has the new features, and is
less likely to have unexpected results.


It's OK to be different

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