Java build

John j.telford at
Thu Dec 2 18:51:40 PST 2004

Yes, I had forgotten about the actual error. There must be a minor 
problem in the Makefile and I will send a note to the maintainer.

I just tested and replicated.
This is in Makefile v 1.82 2004/11/24 15:16:38

On a system that jdk has never been built on you will get the following:
cd /usr/ports/java/jdk14
server02# make
printf: missing format character
===>  jdk-1.4.2p6_6 is*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/java/jdk14.

But on a system where it has already been built you will get:

cd /usr/ports/java/jdk14/
server01# make
===>  jdk-1.4.2p6_6 is forbidden: Vulnerabilities in the browser plugin.

Solution: The only way to continue is to use the MINIMAL switch:
cd /usr/ports/java/jdk14/
server01# make MINIMAL=yes

But you won't get the browser plugins in your build.


luis wrote:
>    John, thanks for the tip.  My problem, though, happens right away as 
> soon as I hit Enter after typing "make install".  Any idea what "printf: 
> missing format character" means?  It seems as if the console/terminal 
> does not have a font/character library or something like that to send to 
> the screen a particular symbol used during this compilation.  Thanks for 
> your help.  Luis

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