Compaq Presario 1610 known problems with X?

Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at
Sat Apr 24 22:00:36 PDT 2004

David Wassman wrote:

> I don't know if this is the correct list. Here is my question:

It's OK not to know, if you don't know.  Just so you
know, it should probably be "freebsd-questions at",
y'know?     :-)

Who knows, if I know anything, I might even answer
you over there ....

> I am trying to install FreeBSD (version 5.2.1 but I am going to try 
> and install
> 4.8 later tonight). I am having problems installing either kde or 
> Gnome because
> files for X are not be installed. I am trying this on a Compaq 1610 
> (P1MMX,
> 1.5G HD, 80M RAM). I known its an old system but I want to get it up as a
> web browser/wordprocessor. Any idea why this is not working would be 
> helpful.

When you post to the freebsd-questions list, include not only
the information you have above, but also things like:

1.  What procedure are you following to install FreeBSD,
and at what point does your procedure fail?  Are there
any error messages?

2.  What steps are you taking to install KDE or Gnome?
How do you know that "files for X are not be(ing?) installed?
Error messages?  Messages in logs, or to console?

The general procedure for installation is to get FreeBSD
installed first, and then add 3rd party programs like X
and GNOME or KDE (probably not both on a box like that;
AAMOF, something lighterweight like blackbox/fluxbox
or fvwm, or maybe even XFCE would probably run better
on a Pentium 1)....


Kevin Kinsey
DaleCo, S.P.

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