Going small
Nikolas Britton
freebsd at nbritton.org
Wed Apr 14 10:51:07 PDT 2004
I'll 2nd that, I've been a happy m0n0wall user since pb14 (mid 2003?).
the thing "just works".
Andrew White wrote:
>You might want to try m0n0wall
>You could forget having a hardrive at all and use a flashcard instead,
>leaving you with no mechanical parts to fail...
>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-freebsd-newbies at freebsd.org
>[mailto:owner-freebsd-newbies at freebsd.org] On Behalf Of John Murphy
>Sent: 14 April 2004 13:07
>To: newbies at freebsd.org
>Subject: Going small
>Hope everyone had a nice easter.
>I've decided to stop messing about with noisy old 486s for the gateway/
>firewall. The one I've been configuring runs just fine but it has a large
>hot heatsink cooling some power transistor/regulator devices and I just
>don't trust it for 24/7 use in a cupboard...
>I'm going to get a Soekris Net4801 and fit a 30G HD from a broken laptop I
>was given. Just undecided whether to get it from the USA or Belgium (I'm in
>the UK); the 21%VAT against the better exchange rate etc.
>(Update: they were out of stock at the manufacturers so I've ordered one
>from http://soekris.kd85.com with case and 2.5" hard drive mounting kit.
>Got my name on the last one! I could have it before the weekend.)
>I don't know much about them at this stage, except they run FreeBSD of
>course and they're probably ten times as efficient as the thing I was going
>to use. http://www.soekris.com/
>I'll write my findings here if no-one strongly objects.
>Some good pages I've found so far:
>I'll be going against the recommendation to use a physically separate device
>for the firewall on the grounds that I can enable some server side filtering
>at the ISP and I can't afford two soekrises just now.
>So it will run ipf, ipnat, ipmon, ftpd, ntp, bind (caching only at first),
>sendmail and boa (web server).
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