FreeBSD Newbies FAK

Corsis corsis at
Fri Apr 9 20:26:37 PDT 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-freebsd-newbies at [mailto:owner-freebsd-
> newbies at] On Behalf Of Sue Blake
> Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 10:10 PM
> To: freebsd-newbies at
> Subject: FreeBSD Newbies FAK
>                          FreeBSD-Newbies First Aid Kit
>    use, general chat, making mistakes, boasting, sharing ideas, stories,

[Micheal Peters] Guess My massive post that I sent before I got this E-mail
is ok here then :)

>    moral (but not technical) support, and taking an active part in the
> When something doesn't work the way you expect
>     1. First look at the errata for your release of FreeBSD at
>        http://www.FreeBSD.ORG/releases/ for the latest information and
>        security advisories.
>     2. Search the Handbook, FAQ, and mail archives at
>        http://www.FreeBSD.ORG/search/search.html
>     3. If you still have a question or problem, collect the output of
>        `uname -a' and of any relevant program(s) and email your question
>        to FreeBSD-questions at FreeBSD.ORG.

[Micheal Peters] OK, I'll do what you say with this one... I just worry
about being lumped in with the High-level experts when it comes to
questions.  I've seen plenty of examples with other software of a newbie
getting flamed, basically because they didn't know what to look for when
they tried to do a search for a problem.

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