
Nikolas Britton freebsd at nbritton.org
Tue Apr 6 23:28:11 PDT 2004

DerAlSem wrote:

>Hello freebsd-newbies,
>  Just wonder, what the minimum requirements for X? Can i run it on
>  Pentium 200 MMX, 128 RAM, 4 MB video (shared)? Or i shouldn't try?
The way I here it is that X can run on nicely on a i386/i486 with as 
little as 4mb system ram (a stock FreeBSD 5.2.1 system wont boot with 
anything less then i486/16MB, I could be wrong on this btw) and that it 
is the Window manager, programs, etc that eat up all the resources.

I have X with xfce4 running nicely on a PPro 233, 150MB ram, 8MB ATI card:

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