About KDE (X-Windows, in fact)

Teilhard Knight teilhk at softhome.net
Mon Apr 5 01:10:40 PDT 2004

I posted about my problem in the questions group, but I only got replies
from one person, and although helpful, it didn't solve my problem.

It's about my Leadtek WinFast GeForce3 graphics card with NVIDIA chipset. It
was working all right (for simple tasks, I didn't try games or something
complicated) with the driver "nv". I decided to install the NVIDIA driver
for FreeBSD, and now I am getting the error message: "NVIDIA: Chipset
"GeForce3 in Device section card0 isn't valid for this driver." I cannot
revert the driver to "nv" in XF86Config in /etc/X11, because it doesn't work
anymore. If someone told me how to get the new driver (nvidia) working,
would be great. Thanks.


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