Console ps2 mouse behavior control (was : Re: test)

Laurent Demaret laurent.demaret at
Sun Nov 30 13:27:19 PST 2003

Le dimanche, 30 nov 2003, à 21:08 Europe/Paris, Laurent Demaret a écrit 

> And I bought this ps2 mouse because usb seems worst (did not see 
> anymore serial mouse to be sold).
To be more precise I bought a ps/2 mouse because the usb was not 
recognized by Debian but I found it back and tried it :
It works perfectly with freebsd !
so I am out of troubles for now :-)

Next thing will be to feel as well  on that PII Celeron 400 Mhz, 365 Mo 
RAM, 8 Go Disk than on my dual mac with macos x.
The pc will be used by my children (15 and 12) who spends most of there 
time in windows playing games like "the Sims", internet browsing, 
scanning and printing. Wich I'm sure freebsd can do as well or better 
than Win98 . They are jalous about my mac stability, printing quality 
(postscript on an epson sc 900 with ethernet card and postscript 
inside) thtat I would like to bring them

Now I have to choose my Desktop, AfterStep, kde, gnome ?
Which one get to the nicest gui ?
I'm very used to my mac now, I do appreciate that finder's windows move 
with mouse wheel horizontaly (and verticaly if I press majuscule) and 
be very pelased if a freebsd interface was doing that.
For now I will start with kde  ...

Laurent Demaret
old newbie :-)
laurent.demaret at

laurent.demaret at

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