Fwd: newbee help on freebsd email server setup

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-questions-local at be-well.ilk.org
Fri Nov 21 06:10:05 PST 2003

> here is the problem i cant track down.....when i send mail to an
> account set up on mailserver (thru adduser) and using an remote
> source email server.....when i use a pc through windows 2000
> running outlook express i cannot retrieve the mail...it comes back
> with error message 550 host unknown....

Outlook Express is probably trying to use POP or some other mailbox
protocol (maybe IMAP) to download the messages.  Sendmail has nothing
to do with it at this level; you need a POP server to allow POP
downloading of messages.  There are several in the ports system.

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