FreeBSD: diff between RELEASE and STABLE
stormjumper at
Sat Nov 15 21:41:33 PST 2003
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P." <kdk at>
To: "stormjumper" <stormjumper at>
Cc: <freebsd-newbies at>
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 01:29
Subject: Re: FreeBSD: diff between RELEASE and STABLE
> stormjumper wrote:
> >hmm,
> >
> >thanks Johan
> >
> >somebody, anybody, correct me if i'm wrong pls.
> >
> >does this imply that RELEASE is more stable than STABLE?
> >
> >thanks
> >
> >
> More or less, yes.
> -STABLE is stable, but changes to the code
> are put in from time to time to make progress
> toward the *next* RELEASE. In the event someone
> manages to accidentally mangle a line of code,
> it might not get noticed until you sync your source
> and buildworld, etc.
> Then you get some message "syntax error in foofile
> on line xxx" and 'stop in /usr/src' ... not too much fun.
> Even worse, it might build but not run correctly.
> FWIW, this has never happened to me, and I've
> been using -STABLE on production servers for
> over a year.
> -RELEASE code is -STABLE that is frozen, double
> and triple checked and allowed to 'simmer' for a
> few weeks to see if any such problems appear,
> basically. The guys work pretty hard to make sure
> that it's gonna be acceptable to stamp "RELEASE"
> on it and not ruin the OS's image as a strong,
> stable, modern and powerful OS.
> HTH,
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