preferred email system

Robert Stickney stickney at
Wed May 28 23:20:19 PDT 2003

I am relatively new to FreeBSD.  I move from MS Windows,  tried linux, and 
fell in love with the ports tree.  I am trying to setup my email system.  I 
found Evolution.  It is a nice replacement of MS Outlook but then realized 
that I could do more if i found the right blend of software.  I am looking 
for suggestions of software (mostlikely a group of software) which will allow 
me to meet these criteria:

robust sorting system
some intelligent way to deal with spam
nice GUI for use in XFree86
shell interface to same email database for remote access 
   (the two clients running at the same time would be best)
if possible share an address book (and with Palm Vx)
a good calendar system (links with Palm Vx - have jPilot installed)
if possible download new emails into Palm Vx (sorted into correct directories 
-- MS outlook could not do that.)
later it might be nice to add web email as a remote option.

Any suggestions would be help full.  If anybody has done anything similar it 
would be nice to know how you did it. 

Thank you, 
Robert Stickney
stickney at

PS. Please CC me since I am not currently signed up to the listserve.

PPS. Sent this message to both Chat and Newbies to get different perspectives.

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