Good FreeBSD book

mj001 mj001 at
Sun May 25 05:15:26 PDT 2003

Jonathan wrote:
> Hi:
>  I recently got "FreeBSD: An Open-Source operating system for your personal 
> computer", by Annelise Anderson. I must say this is a really excellent 
> introduction to FreeBSD. Although the book covers FreeBSD 4.3, much of the 
> material is still relevant to 4.8. A 4.8 CD was included with the book. She 
> has an entire chapter on ports plus a very nice chapter on kernel 
> configuration and compiling. She covers the commands: kldstat, kldload, 
> dmesg, ldconfig, last, netstat, w, who, ps and top. She covers cvsup too.  I 
> learned a lot about my new FreeBSD by reading this book. 
> 								Kind regards,
> 								Jonathan
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I also recommend "Absolute BSD", by Michael Lucas.  It is subtitled "The 
ultimate guide to FreeBSD", and is very comprehensive.  It is more 
technical, and less a beginer's guide, than "FreeBSD Unleashed".  It 
gives lots of information on security and configuration; there is a 
complete run-down of the /etc hierarchy, for example.

ISBN 1-886411-74-3.

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