Updating ports

Jukka Huvinen jhuvinen at cc.hut.fi
Sun May 25 01:56:57 PDT 2003

I'm stuck with a mouse bug (freezes while typing text) and I was told
updating latest XFree86 might help.

Ok. I'm running 4.8 release. How should I update my ports-tree?
I tried cvsup.

Manual says there is only a current branch for the ports collection.
(cvsup: tag=.) If I give tag=RELENG_4, it only deletes the port

Is it possible to update the ports tree to stable branch at all, i.e.
"current" 4 stable?

I have only a modem connection and I would like to avoid updating
everything and would like to stay within stable-branch.

Thanks for any help!!


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