
clayton rollins crollins666 at
Sat May 24 00:01:11 PDT 2003

>On Sat, 24 May 2003 Thiago Silva Conceição <f2b at> wrote:
>- There is an annoying thing on emacs. The backspace button doesn't work as 
>it usually do on other systems (erasing the last typed character). How do I 
>change this?
>Best regards,

Internal to emacs, you can use 'M-x global-set-key' (meta-x; type the rest). 
If that works, you may be able to fix it by adding a similar line to your 
~/.emacs file:
(global-set-key "\d" 'backward-delete-char)   <- exactly like that. (though 
you may have to replace the \d with the appropriate keycode.)

emacs has extensive builtin help, and offers a variety of suggestions on 
fixing this...


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