
Thiago Silva Conceição f2b at
Fri May 23 20:12:44 PDT 2003


I've installed FreeBSD here, I have come from Linux so I am still 
adaptating. I have some doubts:

- How often the ports collection get updated? Is it whenever a new 
release is out or constantly?

- How do I do to update all the applications I have installed? I did the 
"make world" thing here but It seems it doesn't update things like 
gnome, XFree, kde and so on, or maybe I'm wrong. Something like 'apt-get 
upgrade' from Debian Linux.

- Is it possible to configure the console while in text mode to display 
characters from other languages? I tried to configure the console font 
and language through sysinstall but It didn't worked. My home language 
is brazilian portuguese.

- There is an annoying thing on emacs. The backspace button doesn't work 
as it usually do on other systems (erasing the last typed character). 
How do I change this?

Best regards,

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