foreign letters

Scott Corey scott at
Fri May 23 16:17:45 PDT 2003

This should help you solve your problem:

Mats wrote:
> Hi
> I'm from Sweden and we have three more letters in our alphabet than you 
> english-speaking people. When I use X there is no problem with that, but when 
> I use VI in textmode it gives problems, I don't get the right ascii-signs. 
> When I was using linux slackware (I still have a slackware partition) I 
> solved the problem with a file called .inputrc in the homedirectory 
> containing this:
> set meta-flag on
> set convert-meta off
> set output-meta on
> This is of course not a problem when using free bsd because it doesn't 
> understand my language anyway, but I want to write swedish texts in VI in 
> textmode.
> /greetings from the country of the midnight sin
> /Mats 
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