minimum system requirements

camaleon camaleon at
Wed May 21 07:36:04 PDT 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "Pablo Morales" <pablo.morales at>
To: "camaleon" <camaleon at>; "freebsd-newbies"
<freebsd-newbies at>
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: minimum system requirements

> I installed freebsd on a 486 wth 8 megas of RAM

But perhaps with more hard disk space than a mere 325 Mbs?

With Linux installations (and I've done ones with SuSE and
Debian distributions as well on that hardware to find out
which one suited my demands best) this aspect can be a
troublesome bottleneck. I.e. chosing which applications
to install because they are needed, and which ones can be
missed out.

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "camaleon" <camaleon at>
> To: "freebsd-newbies" <freebsd-newbies at>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 9:55 AM
> Subject: minimum system requirements
> Hi, I'm new here, but right away I do have a question
> that can lead to many answers (or even none at all ;)
> I am considering installing FreeBSD on a very old machine,
> but I'm not sure if that will succeed. The reason for this
> is fun (to begin with) and perhaps later a very modest
> internet server in a small home network connected to the
> internet via a multiport ADSL modem. Another reason is
> using an operating system that has staying power and has
> proven itself in the past and that can be configuered both
> as a webserver and as an email server.
> The system is a 486DX2 66 MHz, with (only) 14 Mbs of RAM,
> a (recent) cd-rom drive and a harddisk of (only) 325 Mb.
> There are two floppy drives, a 3.5 inch and a 5.25 inch.
> The videocard is a Western Digital with a something-C33
> chipset (if I remember well, couldn't find the manual
> right now). There is a SB 16 AWE-32 PnP soundcard, a
> 3Com 3C509b ethernet card and an Edimax ethernet card
> installed, both ethernet cards can be set to either PnP-modus
> or non-PnP-modus.
> I have the experience of installing Slackware on this
> machine, allthough the hard drive space was larger in the
> past, where a second drive of respectively 421 Mb (and
> Slackware 3.6 and 4.0), 1,5 Gb (and Slackware 7.0), and 20 Gb
> (with Slackware 7.0 and 7.1) used to be installed
> (I want to remove the 20 Gb drive to use it in another
> machine). I did configure a small webserver with apache on this
> configuration(s) and an email server with sendmail.
> Will it be feasable with this little hard drive capacity and
> this little memory resources?

- camaleon :]

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