To freeBSD or not freeBSD

Frederick Johnson frebhed at
Sat May 17 05:35:11 PDT 2003

 --- Trish <failte at> wrote: > Hello freebsd-newbies,
>   I'm wondering why you picked freeBSD over other distros.  I'm
>   getting ready to build my first Linux box and I admit, I have not fully
>   researched all the options yet, but am looking at freeBSD on the
>   recommendation of, well, my son.  I take him seriously as he is
>   already running linux (though not freeBSD as yet - that's his and
>   my upcoming project), he and his friends are no slouches at this stuff,
> typical techie teenagers, and have the time to
>   do such things.  I have less.  However, I'm interested in what the
>   actual user community has to say.
>   I get the impression there is significant support available, apps and
> drivers are available and configurable
>   and it's not a nightmare to run.  But that's just an impression and
>   I haven't compared it enough with anything else.
>   So if anyone cares to venture a point of view, I'd be interested to
>   hear it.  Thanks! :)
> -- 
>  Trish

These topics are killers! I can feel my inbox getting full already...

I have tried Mandrake, Debian and Slackware... neither of them stayed on for
longer than 2 months (for various reasons)... One thing I particularly didnt
like about Linux is whenever I went to configure/mess around with something
(which I did/do a lot) I always got these descriptions saying (blah blah) 'this
is a mix of BSD and systemV, we put some things here and other things here, oh,
and this is something that we designed ourselves over here etc'. I have found
FreeBSD to be very organised and easy to understand, which really suprised
me... I thought being some hardcore UNIX distro meant that only people with an
equally hardcore understanding of UNIX would be able to use it! :) There are
many other things which I dont like about Linux and love about FreeBSD... I
could go on forever about the subject... 
I know people say FreeBSD is the fastest, stablest, most functional OS out
there... from what I have experienced so far I am begining to believe them. :) there an advocacy mailing list? :)


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