Sound Card

Gary Schenk gwschenk at
Fri May 16 13:03:06 PDT 2003

Richard StClair wrote:
>>>I have a standard ordinary SB16 sound this particular
>>>machine....on a standard install, what do I have to do to get bsd to
>>>see it and use it? I thought it would just do it on install.
>>FreeBSD Handbook, Chapter 16, Section 2, "Setting Up The Sound Card".
>>It's a really great handbook. Absolutely wonderful.
> I'm sure it's fantastic.....mine has been on it's way for some period of weeks 
> now. We get one boat per month to Niue with mail on it, and if something 
> misses that boat then it takes another month to get here. So I'm still 
> waiting for my copy....and in the meantime I was hoping to get this machine 
> running a little better. 
> But thanks for the tip. 

Try here:

I speak from experience when I tell you that you'll have much more luck 
gettting help with problems when people get the impression that you've 
tried researching on your own first. The Handbook online is a great 
place to start. There are several good books out, also. I've used 
'FreeBSD: An Open-Source Operating System For your Personal Computer' by 
Annelise Anderson and 'FreeBSD Unleashed' by Urban and Tiemann. Another 
book I've just started is 'Unix Shell Programming' by Kochan and Wood. 
The introductory chapters about the nuts and bolts of Unix are very good 
and full of useful information for us newbies.

The best place to get help is on the freebsd-questions mailing list. The 
newbies list is really not for technical help.

Good luck with the sound card. It is quite easy actually, even I had no 
problem with it! If after following the instructions from the handbook 
you still don't get sound, then try the questions list.


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