used computers was: Re: Yahoo!!!
Brandon Barnes
jesuscash at
Thu May 15 15:38:50 PDT 2003
It's a laptop though. :P
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom" <tsasser at>
To: <freebsd-newbies at>
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2003 18:34
Subject: used computers was: Re: Yahoo!!!
last i saw, used compaq p233's w/ 32 mb ram and 1 to 2 gb hard drives and a
cdrom were selling for $30, $20 without the drive. given what you have,
would make a nice little server.
check around for some used state/county/city computers...they usually have
them by the palletful somewhere.
On Thursday 15 May 2003 11:10, Jesus Cash wrote:
> P100, 16 megs of RAM. However if I wanted to shell out 75 dollars I
> could probably get the 32 meg upgrade available for it.
> -B
> mj001 wrote:
> > Jesus Cash wrote:
> >> Mandrake was my Linux as choice as well. I totally see what you mean.
> >> These major distros are getting to be just like MS. Proprietary and
> >> bloated. I've mentioned this before, but I tried install Red Hat 9 on
> >> my dinky laptop, thinking I could just strip it down to basics. Nope,
> >> just said your computer is crap and can't install Red Hat 9. Once I
> >> can get some working floppies (mine all crapped out when I carried
> >> them unprotected in my laptop bag) I'll install FreeBSD on it. Maybe
> >> I'll try my hand at loading OS/2 (I'm a little worried about trying
> >> to run XFree86 or any desktop on it).
> >>
> >> -B
> >>
> >> RexFelis wrote:
> >>> Here's another example why I use FreeBSD now...
> >>>
> >>> Why does it have to be such a hassle for me to
> >>> install a single program that I need under Linux?
> >>> I was trying to make custom recorded audio CDs
> >>> (not music CDs), like I used to in Win98 using
> >>> Voyetra's software. I looked around and found
> >>> Audacity. It looked good... but Linux Mandrake
> >>> made me crazy with dependencies. FreeBSD just
> >>> downloaded and installed them. 3.5 days of
> >>> frustration in Linux, 35 minutes of surfing the
> >>> web while the program was downloaded, patched,
> >>> custom compiled and installed on FreeBSD.
> >>>
> >>> Linux seems to be heading in a couple of
> >>> directions I disagree with. Dependency hell
> >>> whenever you try to do what YOU want to do is one
> >>> of them. (Mandrake works great as long as you
> >>> only use Mandrake-prepackaged software.) The
> >>> other is the growing commercialization of the
> >>> major distros. I don't want shareholders telling
> >>> me how to run my computer!
> >>>
> >>> I agree with JC, FreeBSD is fun. I was having
> >>> fun with Linux, until I realized what fun really
> >>> is. :) Freedom is always more fun.
> >>>
> >>> Shannon
> >>>
> >>> --- Jesus Cash <jesuscash at> wrote:
> >>>> I'm pretty much in the same boat as Shannon
> >>>> here. Maybe not as advanced in Linux, but there was just something
> >>>> in Linux
> >>>> that I felt was off. I've been telling people I've never said I love
> >>>> an OS before, but I love FreeBSD.
> >>>>
> >>>> As for learning curve? What learning curve? :P
> >>>> I pretty much just threw myself in and have been figuring stuff out
> >>>> for
> >>>> myself. Most importantly, it's been a FUN learning experience.
> >>>>
> >>>> -B
> >>>
> >>> __________________________________
> >>> Do you Yahoo!?
> >>> The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.
> >>>
> >>
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> >
> > How big is your laptop? I used to run FreeBSD and X-Windows (but not
> > KDE or GNOME) on a 486DX33 (non-laptop) with 20MB. It worked, but was
> > somewhat slow. A Pentium 120 with 48 MB runs KDE 3.0 quite well. But
> > a NEC Versa LX laptop with 64 MB is impossibly slow - I suspect it may
> > be the disk speed.
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