
Jesus Cash jesuscash at
Wed May 14 08:11:43 PDT 2003

That's another thing, the community here is really learned as well as 
really helpful. While I am new I have not run into the elitist snobs 
that often occupy the Linux groups. I was having issues with GDM after 
doing a fresh install and CVSUPing the latest port tree. I posted 
something to the -Gnome group and found some one was having a similar 
problem. In a couple days there was an update to the GDM2 port tree 
while had a fixed make file and a patch. Get that kind of instant 
gratification from M$? Nope. Get the ability to practice and learn an OS 
that is or like the OSes used on many servers with M$? Nope... w00t to 


(I've noticed that the -Newbies group might as well be part of the 
-Advocacy list :P)

RexFelis wrote:

>>Glad to hear about your success!! 
>This is really a self-esteem building operating
>system.  I think it should be in all schools. 
> Here's a few
>>tips to speed you along:
>>Try out burncd for your CD burner (man burncd).
>Check.  Will do.  :)
>>As for CUPS, which is pretty darn slick, once
>>you have it installed, and turn your browser to
>>localhost:631 for configuration, try using
>>ports/print/xpp.  It is a gui pop-up interface
>>for print-time printer selection.  Whereever a
>>program is configged to use lpr, simply replace
>>it with xpp.
>>Congrats, and good luck!
>That info is sure to be invaluable.  Thanks for
>the tips.  :)
>I have now to deal with a curious little
>showstopper I have encountered dealing with my
>ppp connection... so I'll be posting that on
>-questions, since I cannot find any other
>information pertaining to it.
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