
David Lodeiro dlodeiro at optusnet.com.au
Fri Jun 20 02:48:10 PDT 2003

When you go to do the XFree config, wich option do you choose? Do you select 
the graphical option? On various installs I have found that method to be a 
real pain in the ass and it never seems to work right. Use option 3, Its not 
graphical but its not exactly command line either. Its goes through each 
section step by step. I dont know weather it will help you out , but give it 
a go. 

Good Luck


On Fri, 20 Jun 2003 05:27 pm, Jeandre du Toit wrote:
> I can't get X to start after installation, I think I might not understand
> the graphical configure tool. I have a Trident Cyberblade and it is on the
> list, but each time after I choose it and exit sysinstall says the
> configuration is wrong. I am using FreeBSD 4.7, I am downloading 5.1 but I
> don't know if I will have the same problem.
> I hope this is on the right list, I figure it is a problem because I am a
> newbie and not something for the questions list. Please let me know if I
> should rather post it there.
> Thanks
> Jeandre
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