how to set up a network?

Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at
Tue Dec 23 15:55:46 PST 2003

konsu wrote:

>my setup is going to be:
>1. windows xp machine with NIC connected to a hub
>2. freebsd machine with NIC connected to the same hub
>3. the hub is connected to a dsl modem

Hello!  Be prepared to see a flame or two; the
"newbies" list is not often used for technical
questions.  But, welcome anyhow, and I'll try
to offer a word of advice.  YMMV.

>1. i am going to use the freebsd system for web server development.
>   but i do not want to pollute the server with unnecessary browser
>   installations, so i would like to be able to browse to my freebsd
>   site from IE on the windows system. but the site does not need to
>   be visible from outside of my little network.

I do this all the time.  Trick the XP machine by putting
fake info in the hosts file.  IIRC, path is c:\windows\system32
\drivers\etc\hosts.  Like FreeBSD*, it'll check there first.

>2. i need to be able to copy files from my freebsd machine to XP.

Enable ftp via /etc/inetd.conf.  Or use an ssh(sftp) client.
Or, install SAMBA. (/usr/ports/net/samba).

>3. i assume that since i have a hub, my machines can connect to the
>   internet independently.

I wouldn't assume that if I were you, unless the dsl
modem is known to have NAT capability, or the ISP
is giving you two publically routable addresses, in
which case your sites will be visible from outside
without specifically configuring otherwise, (say, a
firewall at least).

>please point me to the right resources as to how to set this up.
>i have no clue which technology to research. do i need any extra
>software in addition to the basic OS setup? i would really prefer
>to not use any extra stuff.

I'd definitely think of using the FBSD machine as a
gateway/firewall also, as I'm assuming there will be
one external IP address, and you'll need one of the
computers to have that address.  I could be wrong;
but in my setups over here, the cable/DSL modems
don't handle the NAT duties, so a router or *BSD
box needs to.


Kevin Kinsey
DaleCo, S.P.

*Yes, that's configurable, but it's default, right?

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