4.9 boot floppies help

Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at daleco.biz
Fri Dec 12 20:30:49 PST 2003

Al Leslie wrote:

> i have Award Modular BIOS v 4.41 PG (c) 1984-96 (cd-rom Bootable),
> Pent 133Mhz 1.2 Gig and 32 Megs 3com nic. no mouse.
> i downloaded 4.9 in 2 .iso images and setup some floppies for booting.
> the Kern.flp disk executes fine and asks for Mfsroot.flp. but this 
> disks returns
> zf_read unexpected EOF and prompts a shutdown or reboot.
> I made the disks with rawrite on a Win Me Toshiba laptop.
> can someone shed some light on this?
> Thanks

The best place for this is question@ instead of newbies@,
(it'll get more answers there, among other things.)

When you say "I made the disks with rawrite", you're saying
I made the CD's with rawrite, or the floppies?

For floppies, fdimage (in the tools directory on the FTP
server, possibly on one of your CD's, I dunno) is the tool.

Format a new floppy and try again?

DTH, but HTH :-)

Kevin Kinsey

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