What to Make

Cybertime Hostmaster hostmaster at cybertime.net
Thu Dec 11 19:23:31 PST 2003

This may be a question for the current list, but I thought I would start
here and see.

I use FreeBSD for very little.  For the few things I do, binary installs
work fine, and have given me absolutely no issues.

I now want to do a little more, specifically some imbedded device stuff.

The FAQs I have found so far all talk about compiling everything and
removing what I do not need, or using PicoBSD.  Neither of these solutions
will work for me.

I have hardware that requires the CURRENT tree for driver support.

When I did a buildworld on my testing box, I ran out of hard drive space.
So what I have been looking for is a way to download and build less.

Now, when I do a binary install, I have the option of putting in base,
compatibity (1x to 4x), crypto, dict, doc, games, info, man, catman,
profiles, src, ports, local, perl, and xfree.

When I look at the source tree they are base, contrib, gnu, etc, games,
include, lib, libexec, release, bin, sbin, scrypto, share, skerb5,
ssecure, sys, tools, ubin, and usbin.

This has left me at a loss.

Since the choices are not the same, how do I compile just a minimal
install?  Obviously someone, somewhere has a list of what goes where, or
there would be no such thing as a minimal install.

Does anyone have a link to a FAQ/DOC/README/MAN that lists this
information?  If one exists, I have missed it in the last few weeks of


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