updating question (fwd)
Gordon Vrololjak
gvrdolja at nature.Berkeley.EDU
Thu Dec 4 16:36:56 PST 2003
reposting since maybe everyone was on holiday when I posted earlier?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 10:12:45 -0800 (PST)
I'm just starting to play with FreeBSD 5.1. I've set it up, but have a
question about security updates. I am more familiar with redhat linux
where I check for new rpm's on their update site and then install them
using rpm.
For BSD, I noticed they have a port collection, which you can update with
cvsup. Also they have an errata section on the web where you can download
and install security patches. I tried to install the cvs security patch,
but after downloading, and following the instructions, it says context
diff error... all the error output is below the text of this message.
My main question is that I want to run a secure stable system on the
internet, running ftp, apache httpd, and some other small apps. What is
the method in BSD that I should be using to keep up with the
updates/security issues?
Thanks for your help. Any advice appreciated.
Here is the full text of the error:
freebsd# patch < /home/gordon/cvs.patch
Hmm... Looks like a new-style context diff to me...
The text leading up to this was:
|Index: contrib/cvs/src/server.c
|RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/contrib/cvs/src/server.c,v
|retrieving revision
|diff -c -r1.13.2.2 server.c
|*** server.c 28 Oct 2001 21:32:10 -0000
|--- server.c 4 Feb 2003 13:16:15 -0000
File to patch:
No file found--skip this patch? [n] y
Skipping patch...
Hunk #1 ignored at 984.
Hunk #2 ignored at 999.
Hunk #3 ignored at 4738.
3 out of 3 hunks ignored--saving rejects to server.c.rej
Gordon Ante Vrdoljak Electron Microscope Lab
ICQ 23243541 http://nature.berkeley.edu/~gvrdolja 26 Giannini Hall
gvrdolja at nature.berkeley.edu UC Berkeley
phone (510) 642-2085 Berkeley CA 94720-3330
fax (510) 643-6207 cell (510) 290-6793
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