Question about security updates.

rotten rottie r0tt13 at
Wed Dec 3 10:21:15 PST 2003

I am a linux user that wants to switch to freebsd... I am a bit confused 
about applying updates etc..

I installed a box for trial it was 5.1, I wanted to see if I could use ports 
to update openssh for a test examp. After the port installed I noticed that 
another version of openssh was installed on the system. I talked with a 
friend and he said that it was part of usr/src and I could update it by 
compiling the usr.bin version.. which was fine and worked. Here are my 

1) if there are two trees(lack of better words) why would ssh exit in both 
the system tree and the ports tree ? Wouldnt it be better to have it in the 
ports tree ?

2) I have used gentoo in the past and am curious if there is something 
simular to emerge -up world/system -- I would like to cvs the ports/sys and 
then be able to see if anything need upgrading .. is this possible ?

3) Say there was a update to openssh .. which would be the proper way to 
update .. sync the sys tree and then just update ssh .. or sync the tree and 
recompile the system ? or remove the sys version and install the port 
version and update the port ?

I am very happy with freebsd .. Im still in the exploring stage .. The 
reasons for my questions is that I am a little weary of using freebsd in 
production if I dont easily know when updates are avail, having to recompile 
the system everytime I need a patch for a service.

Thanks for helping me convert,

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