which version to pick up

Freddie Cash fcash at sd73.bc.ca
Tue Aug 5 14:55:04 PDT 2003

On August 5, 2003 02:26 am, csmith at icdc.com wrote:
> The Family of BSD's are built on differnt ways of thinking. FreeBSD
> is the first one and the daddy to the others. They are all compatable

Actually, FreeBSD and NetBSD started at the same time, as two separate 
projects.  OpenBSD split off from NetBSD.  Thus:

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> via a FreeBSD compatablity layer in the other kernels. FreeBSD is

There is no "FreeBSD compatibility layer".  BSD is BSD is BSD.  You can 
run (most) FreeBSD programs on NetBSD or OpenBSD simply by recompiling 
it.  There's no emulation or compatibility required ... it either 
works, or it doesn't.

Each of the BSDs has a compatibility layer for various other versions of 
UInix, though.  Like System V (all three), Irix (NetBSD), Linux 
(FreeBSD), and SCO (Free and Net).

Freddie Cash				District HelpDesk / Network Admin
fcash at sd73.bc.ca			helpdesk at sd73.bc.ca
					(250) 374-0679 ext. 219

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