Gnome2 Removal

Johnson David DavidJohnson at
Thu Apr 17 10:57:43 PDT 2003

On Thursday 17 April 2003 09:05 am, Bborie Park wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to remove Grnome2 from my system.  Doing pkg_delete only
> removes gnome2-2.2.1, not all its associating files/libraries.  So,
> how do i completely remove Gnome2?

Ah, a tough one. The problem is that there are several dozen 
dependencies for Gnome. Remove too many and you break other stuff. I 
did this once and it was a timeconsuming affair. There is no simple way 
to do this that I am aware of.

Basically you need to find out what Gnome2 actually installed, then 
remove them manually. A place to start is to use "pkgversion -R 
gnome2", which will list all dependencies of an installed gnome2 
package. But BEWARE! This will list *all* dependencies, including those 
required elsewhere. You do not want to remove all of this. So prune the 
list by hand. Then use -i and -n when using pkg_delete to see just what 
would be removed.

I should redirect you to the freebsd-gnome mailing list where they may 
have a complete list of packages that they can give you.


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